Aporte de jugadas de los laterales (por Ratsia)

Esto lo había investigado hace tiempo, para ver el aporte del nivel de jugadas de los laterales jugando en normal/ofensivo. Puede ser que esté algo desactualizado, pero habría que hacer las correccionesp pertinentes nada más!


Acá tienen la diferencia entre un formidable y un sobrenatural jugadas... calculenle, entonces, que entre un sobrenatural y un extraterrestre hay mucha menos diferencia incluso, si querés reemplazar vos mismo los números podés hacerlo...

En este ejemplo hipotético es cuanto varía el mediocampo si se tienen de inners 3 ET jugadas... Estamos teniendo en cuenta la opinión de Ratsia, plasmada en la global tiempo atrás.

"Three times 16 (the skill level of ET) is 48. Add to that either 0.5*9=4.5 (contribution of formidable PM winger) or 0.5*14=7 (the contribution of SN PM winger) to get 52.5 or 55.

Now compute possession between teams that have 55 and 52.5 PM power by 55 / (55+52.5) = 0.511 to see that if the team was to play against itself with the two different wingers they would get possession 51.1% with the stronger guy. This is the biggest possible difference it can have: Against some team with lower of higher playmaking power the difference would be smaller. Also if the team has another winger (is playing x-5-x instead of x-4-x) the difference is going to be smaller because the total playmaking power will be higher but the difference is still just 2.5 levels.

Edit: In reality we should naturally slightly lower the contribution of an extra IM, but that really doesn't change the situation that much. The maximum effect is still just a bit more than 1%."

En el caso del que hablábamos puntualmente, la cuenta sería...

16*3=48 (tres inner ET)
0,5*14=7 (Sobrenatural jugadas jugando ofensivo)
0,5*16=8 (Extraterrestre jugadas jugando ofensivo)

Los resultados son 55 y 56 ;)

56/(55+56)=0,504, es decir, menos de medio % de posesión de la pelota. En teoría, si un equipo con tres inner ET + sobrenatural jugadas ofensivo jugara contra uno con tres inner ET + extraterrestre jugadas ofensivo, tendrían 50% de posesión cada uno (en condiciones iguales de espíritu y toda la bola, claro está)

Entonces leo entre líneas que pagar el doble de sueldos por un doble ET que por un ET/SN es una pérdida de guita innecesaria, y aparte el primero tarda más en subir, etc etc

Por eso digo, antes que un doble ET, es mejor un mítico/SN que incluso cobraría menos sueldo... o un mágico/SN incluso :)

Por otro lado, Ratsia justifica de todas formas pagar más de 1M por ese "extra"

"Still big portion of HT managers on top do exactly that. Not necessarily by spending money to buy wingers with higher PM but as wages to their IMs. Like I said the exact same 1% advantage could be achieved by replacing ET playmakers by mythicals and that would cost 1.6M each season. We both know there are lots of top level teams who have chosen to do that, and it definitely costs them a lot more than 2.5M.

If you haven't noticed the top teams have to spend quite noticeable amounts of money to obtain similar improvements on all over the field. The higher the level the smaller the relative differences are, but if you sum up several small differences the team that went for those will end up winning a lot more often.

Roughly 2 millions is around the price I have to have in order to improve my team in a noticeable manner, and while some 1% increase in midfield ratings is not enough for that already 1.5-2% would be. It won't help in all of my matches, but it will give me some 2-6 points more during a season. The same 2M won't give me considerably bigger improvements on other parts of the field either, and in fact if I wanted to improve for example my central attack I would have to pay a lot more to get the same increase in my winning probability.

In any case, it is still completely irrelevant whether it is a good idea or not. If you know that it isn't you'll naturally overtake those who believed it to be, because they lost money. Good for you."

Espero que les sirva :)


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